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Ben at bocce practice for Special Olympics Maryland. He's sitting down in a folding chair in a blue Montgomery County Special Olympics blue polo, tan pants and straw hat.

Benjamin Collins

Benjamin Collins, Operations Specialist at Special Olympics International, has worked at Special Olympics for 29 years at the Washington, D.C headquarters. He has been a Special Olympics Maryland athlete for 41 years and participates in two sports: bocce ball and powerlifting.

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Buenos Amigos

El atleta Ben Collins entrevista a Exsaul y Rodrigo, amigos y dupla de Liderazgo Juvenil Unificado, en el Día Internacional de la Amistad
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Good Friends

Athlete Ben Collins interviews friend and Unified Youth Leadership pair for International Day of Friendship.
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My Life Being Visually Impaired

I have been working at Special Olympics International in Washington, D.C. for 26 years, and I work in the Branding, Communications, and Content Department.
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