Eunice Kennedy Shriver Learning Center
Lesson 1: A Message of Hope, A Message of Victory
Eunice Kennedy Shriver gave the Charge to the Athletes at the Opening Ceremonies of the International Summer Special Olympics Games in South Bend, Indiana on August, 2, 1987.
Lesson 2: Special Olympics: An Empowering Timeline
Many people have things they care about. These passions lead to setting goals. When someone feels motivated to take control and reach a goal they are empowered.
Lesson 3: Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Core values, Upper Level
Learn about Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s core values and how it shaped the Special Olympics mission.
Lesson 4: Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Core values, Lower Level
Learn about Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s core values and how it shaped the Special Olympics mission.
Lesson 5: You Belong in the Game
In the 1950’s and 1960’s people with ID were not included. Their strengths were ignored. They were excluded from sports and left out of camps. People thought they did not belong because they learned, looked, and moved differently. Learn how the inclusion revolution has taken shape over the last few decades.
Lesson 6: Becoming a Changemaker like Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Learn how certain social skills can help you become a change maker like Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Read through the questions and think about each question or talk about them in a group.
Additional Resources
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of Special Olympics, was a pioneer in the worldwide struggle for rights and acceptance for people with intellectual disabilities.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver's Story
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of Special Olympics, was a pioneer in the worldwide struggle for rights and acceptance for people with intellectual disabilities.
4 Min Read
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Stories about Eunice, her life, and Special Olympics.
From a backyard summer camp for people with intellectual disabilities to a global sports movement, Special Olympics has been changing lives and attitudes since 1968.