World Games Berlin 2023 Technical Delegates

As Berlin, Germany gears up to host the next Special Olympics World Games in 2023, Special Olympics is pleased to announce the selection of the 2023 Technical Delegates. The Technical Delegate (TD) is appointed by Special Olympics as the key sport authority for a specific sport and shall be responsible for ensuring that the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the World Games correctly interprets, implements and enforces Special Olympics Sports Rules and modifications, the rules of the relevant International Sport Federations and current rule changes and Special Olympics World Games Standards. The Technical Delegate advises the LOC on the technical requirements of the specific sport to ensure a safe, quality and dignified sports environment. The TD works in collaboration with the LOC Sport and Competition team. Click on the profiles below to learn more information on the team.
Technical Delegates
Jo Menten
Athletics Technical Delegate - Limburg, Belgium
Walter Joren
Badminton Technical Delegate - Turnhout, Belgium
Mark Wolfgram
Basketball 3x3 Technical Delegate - Wisconsin, USA
Louise McSweeney
Basketball 5x5 Technical Delegate - Waterford, Ireland
Fernando Oliveira
Beach Volleyball Technical Delegate - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Debra Potenberg
Bocce Technical Delegate - Florida, USA
Rebecca Norton
Bowling Technical Delegate - Ontario, Canada
Koos Feiken
Cycling Technical Delegate - Lieveren, Netherlands
Katharina Lex
Equestrian Technical Delegate - Speicher, Switzerland
Nick Caudle
Football Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA
Abdulrazzaq Alkabi
Futsal Technical Delegate - Dubai, UAE
Alana-Marie Brahler
Golf Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA
Deborah Pastorelli
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Gallarate, Italia
George Krenk
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA
Sofia Boura
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Athens, Greece
Georgios Panayides
Handball Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus
Henning Roos
Roller Skating Technical Delegate - Bielefeld, Germany
James Mulroy
Judo Technical Delegate - Tipperary, Ireland
Róża Banasik-Zarańska
Kayaking Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Pomorskie, Poland
Eleni Rossides
Motor Activities Training Program (MATP) Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus
Dave Harman
Open Water Swimming Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Raalte, Netherlands
Richard Frazier
Powerlifting Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA
Mark van der Heijden
Sailing Technical Delegate - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Shirley Milgate
Swimming Technical Delegate - New South Wales, Australia
Roldan Rivera
Table Tennis Technical Delegate - Balboa, Panama
Teresa Leitão
Tennis Technical Delegate - Jundiai, Brazil
Pamela O’Donnell
Volleyball Technical Delegate - Dublin, Ireland
Kristine Hughes
Special Olympics North America, Volleyball Assistant Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA