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Strong Minds

Strong Minds for Strange Times

Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Abby Resnick could no longer participate in competitions, coach floor hockey, and teach drum and tone for people with special needs. She started to look for new activities to do at home.
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“To me, Life Means Badminton and Special Olympics”

In my role as a Special Olympics coach, Special Olympics Iran athletes taught me about the pivotal role that the Special Olympics athletes play in society.
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Take Care of Yourself and Your Mental Health—World Mental Health Day

“Take care of yourself and move forward” has been Joe Wu’s motto during these last few months. No longer able to compete and to practice on a regular basis, Wu—like so many others—has turned to virtual ways to connect and uplift those around him.
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Highlighting Health at the Special Olympics Pan African Games 2020

The first-ever Pan African Games provided a one of a kind experience, including in Healthy Athletes, with 1845 screenings in just 5 days!
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Healthy Athletes: A Gateway to Inclusive Health Care in Sweden

As local students made their way to lectures, athletes competing in the Special Olympics Sweden Invitational Games 2020 participated in free health screenings through the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes programme.
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Strong Minds Program Giving Athletes the Tools To Succeed

Program aims to teach athletes mental exercises and provide resources to increase relaxation and stress management skills.
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