Inge Maiberg is 25 years old. She is from Special Olympics Estonia and practices swimming. She has been involved in Special Olympics for the past 7 years. She is part of the Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Athlete Leadership Council; it means she gets to share ideas with other athletes and be a voice for them.
She is also on the board for Special Olympics Estonia, representing athletes. When she is not in the water, she loves skating on ice. During the day, she works at a school where she supports children, “I want to be a tutor to them and make their days better”.
Inge says that being an athlete leader means that she can create opportunities to make athletes’ life better and more meaningful. Being an athlete leader also helps Inge learn about leadership so that she can become a better leader herself.
Global Athlete Leadership Council
Barbara Njovo
Special Olympics Africa -
Victor Umeh
Special Olympics Africa -
Hay Qing Hui
Special Olympics Asia Pacific -
Wonjae Choi
Special Olympics East Asia -
Inge Maiberg
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia -
Daniel Guerra
Special Olympics Latin America -
Abdullah Aref
Special Olympics Middle East North Africa -
David Duncan
Special Olympics North America