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Inclusive Health Research: For the Athletes, By the Athletes

Special Olympics’ research and evaluation (R&E) plays a critical role supporting Special Olympics’ global health strategy by leading the measurement of health outcomes resulting from Special Olympics health programming and providing monitoring and evaluation technical assistance to country and state Special Olympics Programs. On this episode of Inclusion Revolution Radio, host Novie Craven spoke with Dr. Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Special Olympics Director of Fitness and Health Research, and Special Olympics athlete leaders Kimberly Schickley and Allen Tobin about the importance of inclusive health research.
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The importance of Inclusive Health Research

Through Project ALL STAR, a Special Olympics research and evaluation initiative, athlete co-researchers aim to improve inclusive health programming and make a difference in the lives of fellow athletes. Inclusion Revolution Radio host Novie Craven discusses the significance of the athlete perspective in inclusive health research with Dr. Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Special Olympics Director of Fitness and Health Research, and Special Olympics athlete leaders Kimberly Schickley and Allen Tobin.

Opening Eyes® Provides a Clear Vision for SOWI Athletes

Imagine training for months or years to qualify for the swimming competition of a lifetime. All those hours, all those practices. You get up on the block awaiting the starting gun as you gaze out toward the pool and see nothing but a blur.
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A Father's Encouragement and a Son's Determination

Mohammed bin Abul Aziz was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder four years ago, and today his condition is ever-evolving due to his father’s continual efforts to encourage him to go through regular health assessments and be a part of Special Olympics Oman.
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Raising the Profile of Disability Inclusion at the 77th World Health Assembly

Every year, representatives from Ministries of Health around the world gather in Geneva, Switzerland for the World Health Assembly (WHA)—the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Emotions, and Tears, Spill Over When Hearing for the Very First Time

Special Olympics Papua New Guinea athlete Samatha Maisa, who was born deaf, hears for the first time after being fitted with a hearing aid by Starkey Hearing.
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Commit To Change: Leaving No One Behind

At Special Olympics, we’re not just about sports. We are agents of change, stepping up for a more inclusive world—one in which everyone has the opportunity to lead meaningful and well-rounded lives.
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Special Olympics Announces New Rosemary Collaboratory Initiative to Help Strengthen Health Systems to Include those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Rosemary Kennedy inspired Eunice Kennedy Shriver to found Special Olympics, and Special Olympics is excited to further honor her memory with the newly launched Rosemary Collaboratory.
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Global Coalition for Inclusion Signed in Ghana and Seychelles

Special Olympics Ghana hosted the first signing in the Special Olympics (SO) Africa Region of the Global Coalition for Inclusion with the Republic of Ghana on 27 November 2023.
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Dr. Carlos Chacón's Visionary Journey

Ecuadorian pioneer has brought improved eye health and vision care to Special Olympics athletes for over two decades thanks to support of Lions Clubs International Foundation
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