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Lions Clubs

Opening Eyes® Provides a Clear Vision for SOWI Athletes

Imagine training for months or years to qualify for the swimming competition of a lifetime. All those hours, all those practices. You get up on the block awaiting the starting gun as you gaze out toward the pool and see nothing but a blur.
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A Growing Coalition: A Growing Legacy

As the movement of Special Olympics and the global community celebrate the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Global Coalition for Inclusion, President of Special Olympics Europe Eurasia David Evangelista reflects on the formidable legacy already established and the exciting pathway forward.
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Special Olympics Highlights its Powerful Work with Refugees to Mark World Refugee Day 2024

SOEE launches video highlight stories of refugees Ali and Sasha, whose lives have been transformed thanks to the Unified with Refugees Program
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Ali Embraces New Life with the Support of Special Olympics

Afghan refugee living in Spain shares how the ‘Unified with Refugees’ sports platform helped him integrate into his new community
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Sasha’s Journey of Hope Through Special Olympics

‘Unified with Refugees’ platform provides Ukrainian refugee with integration opportunities in Slovakia via sports
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Special Olympics Athletes and Refugees Team Up for Unified Football in Spain

Inclusivity took center stage in Seville, Spain on 25 April 2024, as Special Olympics Andalucía football players and refugees from the local Refugee Reception Center came together for an exhibition match.
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Iceland Enhances Inclusive Learning through Unified Sports

Ceremony in Reykjavík ratifies the European country's membership in the Special Olympics Global Leadership Coalition for Inclusion
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Global Coalition for Inclusion Signed in Ghana and Seychelles

Special Olympics Ghana hosted the first signing in the Special Olympics (SO) Africa Region of the Global Coalition for Inclusion with the Republic of Ghana on 27 November 2023.
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Dr. Carlos Chacón's Visionary Journey

Ecuadorian pioneer has brought improved eye health and vision care to Special Olympics athletes for over two decades thanks to support of Lions Clubs International Foundation
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Jamaica Reinforces Inclusive Education Through Sports

Caribbean nation ratifies commitment to Global Leadership Coalition for Inclusion at signing ceremony in Kingston
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