TOYOTA became a global partner of Special Olympics in 2017 to build upon their long history of support at the state and national levels.
TOYOTA has been a sponsor of Special Olympics Southern California for nearly 30 years, supported the 2015 Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, and became a national partner of Special Olympics Nippon (Japan) in 2016.

Unified Sports
TOYOTA supports Unified Sports activities related to Special Olympics primarily in Japan and the United States. Funds for this programmatic initiative support grant markets served by Special Olympics Nippon, Special Olympics Kentucky, Special Olympics Michigan, and Special Olympics Texas. Unified Sports strategically aligns with TOYOTA’s values of diversity and inclusion and the goal of combining people of all cultures, backgrounds, and abilities for their vision of building an inclusive world.

Unified Cup
TOYOTA has been the Presenting Sponsor since the 2018 Special Olympics Unified Cup in Chicago. The Unified Football Cup focuses the world’s attention on the power of sport to transform lives and open minds while providing a global stage from which to promote acceptance for all people, with and without disabilities, and this event showcases TOYOTA’s commitment to Special Olympics.