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Caitlyn Jenner’s ‘repeated use’ of R-word condemned by Special Olympics: ‘Do better’

Tim Shriver showing off his "spread the word to end the word" t-shirt.

The following is an excerpt from Page Six’s article titled, Caitlyn Jenner’s ‘repeated use’ of R-word condemned by Special Olympics: ‘Do better.’

… Special Olympics has condemned Caitlyn Jenner for repeatedly using the R-word on Twitter.

“Words matter. Do better, Ms. Jenner,” the sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities said in an exclusive statement to Page Six on Friday.

“Special Olympics has worked tirelessly to eradicate the use of the R-word, and your repeated use of it is being seen by millions of your social media followers.”

The nonprofit also invited Jenner to “attend any event” from one of its 200 programs across the globe so that she can interact with Special Olympics athletes and “learn more about how to be an advocate for inclusion.”

To read more from the article, click here.

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