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Inclusion in Social Networks
Daniela, Youth Leader
Mildred, Youth Leader
Latin America
Project Year

About The Project Leaders

Mildred is an 18-year-old from Mexico City, Mexico. She is currently studying to get a bachelor's in physical education. Mildred began competing in athletics and swimming with Special Olympics Mexico in 2016. She has competed in many National and Regional games earning medals for athletics. She currently serves as president of the Athlete Input Council for Special Olympics Mexico and serves as the Special Olympics Latin America representative on the Special Olympics Global Youth Leadership Council. Mildred serves her community by being a spokesperson in different spaces by publicizing the inclusion movement and highlighting achievements of youth with intellectual disabilities. Mildred is a part of the Unified Generation because she believes that young people are creators of change. She believes young people have a great mission and are the sole means of achieving widespread inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in all fields. Mildred believes that through sports and through raising awareness about intellectual disabilities, we can create an inclusive society where people with and without intellectual disabilities can work hand in hand.

Daniela is a 23-year-old from Mexico City and currently works as a Community Manager. Prior to graduating with a degree in Communication Science from University, Daniela wanted to find a way to serve her community. Along with Mildred, Daniela also serves as a Special Olympics Latin America representative on the Special Olympics Global Youth Leadership Council. Through her community, she found Special Olympics and has been a volunteer and a Youth Leader ever since. Daniela is a part of the Unified Generation because she trusts in the leadership of every young person, in their commitment, dedication, and values. Daniela believes in the power of the togetherness.

The Inspiration

Social media literacy is a very valuable skill in 2022. Mildred and Daniela acknowledge the power of social media, and want youth with intellectual disabilities in their community to be able to use social media as a tool rather than allow it to present more barriers to inclusion.

TThe Project

Daniela and Mildred look to utilize social media to take advantage of the expanded network to reach and create content to recruit more Special Olympics Athletes, Unified Pairs, and Youth Leaders. The Youth Pair plans to create videos and post them on TikTok by using Unified Pairs to show that anyone can achieve their goals if they are disciplined, motivated, and confident. They are also implementing a communication plan to post videos with the goal of recruiting new Special Olympic Athletes and Youth Leaders and promoting the mission of inclusion through posted interviews with Special Olympic Athletes!

The Impact

Daniela and Mildred achieved their goal and were able to publicize Special Olympics Athletes’ stories to promote their stories and spread the Special Olympics movement. The Unified pair also enjoyed getting to learn more about the Athletes’ stories and empowering each athlete by giving them the platform to share their story. Utilizing TikTok helped Daniela and Mildred reach people and recruit new Youth Leaders to join the movement!

Project Leader Reflections

Daniela and Mildred were able to use and develop their skills and utilize their knowledge of social media to successfully implement their project. Their biggest challenge was coordinating days to record with the Special Olympics Athletes. Daniela and Mildred learned how to problem-solve and to be flexible to be able to record everyone’s story. They are most proud to be a part of a community that strives to promote inclusion and give athletes a platform to share their stories with the world! Daniela and Mildred plan to continue to spread inclusion by continuing to create content to post on social media about Special Olympics Athletes!