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Health and Fitness
Knowledge is Power: Learning to be Advocates for Inclusion
Latin America
El Salvador
Project Year
Nayelli and Bryan are Special Olympics Youth Leaders from El Salvador who will lead a Youth Innovation Project that engages individuals with and without intellectual disabilities to and encourages them to increase awareness and understanding about inclusion.
Nayelli and Bryan will recruit Special Olympics Youth Leaders, education professionals, and Special Olympics volunteers from their communities to plan and implement their project to increase health, wellness, and human rights programming. Through their project, they hope to facilitate positive social interactions and community connections between individuals with and without intellectual disabilities. Committed to being champions of change, Nayelli and Bryan seek to ignite a movement that will empower a culture of inclusion across El Salvador.

Over nine months, Nayelli and Bryan will host activities and workshops that give Special Olympics athletes and Youth Leaders the tools, knowledge, and opportunity to participate in a structured interactive learning program that teaches about mental health and wellness and human rights. Daniela and Cecilia's project will engage 200 Special Olympics athletes and Youth Leaders in weekly interactive activities to inspire and empower the Unified Generation to maintain positive, active, healthy lifestyles while inspiring new Youth Leaders and community members to join them as advocates to support inclusion and human rights throughout El Salvador.