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No One Can Make Me Feel Less Than

Kiera Byland smiling. Sitting on public transportation, long blond hair and blue eyes.

Guest Submission From Kiera Byland, Special Olympics Great Britain Athlete Leader

Athlete Kiera Byland with her medals won from competing in the Special Olympics World Games
Athlete Kiera Byland with her medals won from competing in the Special Olympics World Games

Hello, my name is Kiera Byland. I am 19 years old and I live in the Northwest of England in Great Britain. At primary school, I just couldn’t seem to keep friends. I tried to participate in sports but I got teased because I couldn’t run fast enough, I couldn’t kick a ball well enough, I didn’t have hand and eye coordination, so that limited what I could play so others got fed up. Secondary school just got worse as I faced cyberbullying and the school didn’t take it seriously at all. I had no confidence and would hide food in my room to eat.

So where am I now from having NO friends, NO life, being overweight unfit and VERY unhappy? I teach and compete with the swim club Cheshire Penguins. I have been chosen to be part of the 2019 World Games cycle squad going to Abu Dhabi to defend my titles. I’m also the Special Olympics Great Britain (SOGB) vice chair for our first Athlete Input Council (AIC).

I am confident, I am of value, and most of all I am myself, no one can make me feel less than that anymore, I have ID and I’m proud to be who I am. I am, after all, ME.

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"No One Can Make Me Feel Less Than"