Special Olympics Northern California made history this summer when it organized the first-ever Inmate Flame of Hope Run, which took place inside the California Correctional System.
Nearly 200 inmates participated, crafting an array of crocheted and wooden flames and showering volunteers and athletes with support. The inmates donated their own money and their family members also participated by sponsoring their loved ones. Special Olympics Northern California athlete Karissa Krater, a 50-time Special Olympic gold medal winner, participated as well.
“The reaction we got here was absolutely incredible,” said Camille Cooney, Special Olympics Northern California’s Associate Director of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. “It shows the general public there are contributions being made to these athletes from men and women within the correctional system and it also shows our athletes the kind of magic that enables them to do their sports.”
More than $6000 was raised to benefit Special Olympics Northern California.