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These global stories are about the power of Special Olympics to inspire hope, confidence and courage. Special Olympics changes the lives of our athletes with intellectual disabilities but also our coaches, families, volunteers and others who have the opportunity to take part.

Inclusive Health Research: For the Athletes, By the Athletes

Special Olympics’ research and evaluation (R&E) plays a critical role supporting Special Olympics’ global health strategy by leading the measurement of health outcomes resulting from Special Olympics health programming and providing monitoring and evaluation technical assistance to country and state Special Olympics Programs. On this episode of Inclusion Revolution Radio, host Novie Craven spoke with Dr. Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Special Olympics Director of Fitness and Health Research, and Special Olympics athlete leaders Kimberly Schickley and Allen Tobin about the importance of inclusive health research.
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Pioneering Inclusive Sports Education in Slovakia

Groundbreaking partnerships have Special Olympics Slovakia not just making history; they are shaping a future where sports education is inclusive, empowering, and transformative for all.
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Bridging Generations: Insights from the Special Olympics Global Virtual Youth and Educator Summit

Leading Across Generations session, part of the 2024 Special Olympics Global Virtual Youth and Educator Summit, left attendees both inspired and empowered.
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Special Olympics and Golisano Foundation: An Alliance for Inclusion

The following is an excerpt from TNT Sports’ article, “Special Olympics and Golisano Foundation: An Alliance for Inclusion” which details the work of Special Olympics and the Golisano Foundation as they challenge the health barriers faced by people with intellectual disabilities in Chile.
1 Min Read

Special Olympics is Racing Toward a Tech Evolution. The Athletes are Leading the Sprint.

Special Olympics is racing toward a tech evolution. The athletes are leading the sprint.
6 Min Read

Kiera Byland BEM: My Year of Advocacy and Inclusion

Kiera Byland BEM shares her journey since being elected as Global Athlete Congress Chair during the World Games in Berlin
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Serbia Celebrates EBW 2023 Legacy with 2024 Unified Women’s Basketball Event

A vibrant celebration of women’s and Unified basketball took place as the European Unified Women’s Basketball Tournament unfolded at the Kristalna Dvorana sports centre in Zrenjanin, Serbia, between 5-9 June.
2 Min Read

Special Olympics at UEFA EURO 2024: Volunteer Pair from Stuttgart Embrace the Experience

Over the past few weeks, volunteer pair Reka Schatz and Beeke Brinkmann have been among the Special Olympics athletes and partners assisting at UEFA EURO 2024 - the third-largest sporting event in the world.
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Liftoff: To Inclusion and Beyond

It’s the quiet time of year on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, but the presence of Special Olympics makes it lively. Special Olympics youth leaders, educators and Program staff lived on campus during the 2024 SONA National Leadership Event: To Inclusion and Beyond.
5 Min Read

Opening Eyes® Provides a Clear Vision for SOWI Athletes

Imagine training for months or years to qualify for the swimming competition of a lifetime. All those hours, all those practices. You get up on the block awaiting the starting gun as you gaze out toward the pool and see nothing but a blur.
3 Min Read

Special Olympics International Gets More Athletes on the Field With Microsoft Power Pages

The following is an excerpt from Microsoft’s article, “Special Olympics International Gets More Athletes on the Field With Microsoft Power Pages,” on furthering the digitalization of the Special Olympics movement.
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Digital Accessibility: How Brightspot and Special Olympics Are Changing the Game

On this week’s episode of the Inclusion Revolution Radio Podcast, podcast hosts Novie Craven and Josh Basile discussed Brightspot’s Special Olympics partnership with Parker Ramsdell, Brightspot Senior Vice President of People, Mission & Culture.
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