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Global Youth and Education

Special Olympics believes that in order to create lasting attitudinal change across the world, the focus must begin on today’s youth. As part of a concerted strategy to ensure the movement reaches as many young people as possible, in all demographic settings, Special Olympics has built model including, Unified Schools, Inclusive Youth Leadership, and Whole School Engagement.

Pioneering Inclusive Sports Education in Slovakia

Groundbreaking partnerships have Special Olympics Slovakia not just making history; they are shaping a future where sports education is inclusive, empowering, and transformative for all.
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Bridging Generations: Insights from the Special Olympics Global Virtual Youth and Educator Summit

Leading Across Generations session, part of the 2024 Special Olympics Global Virtual Youth and Educator Summit, left attendees both inspired and empowered.
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Liftoff: To Inclusion and Beyond

It’s the quiet time of year on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, but the presence of Special Olympics makes it lively. Special Olympics youth leaders, educators and Program staff lived on campus during the 2024 SONA National Leadership Event: To Inclusion and Beyond.
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Special Olympics Badminton on the Rise—Celebrating World Badminton Day

Special Olympics’ sport federation partner, Badminton World Federation (BWF), created and now celebrates World Badminton Day.
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Asia Pacific Youth Leaders With and Without Intellectual Disabilities Convened in Singapore to Advance Inclusion and Education

Over 40 youth leaders with and without intellectual disabilities from 14 Asian Pacific countries gathered in Singapore earlier in June for the “Youth for Inclusion: Expanding Unified Champion Schools” summit.
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Transformative Power of Believing in one's Potential: A Coach and Athlete’s Bond

Ahmed El Farji has taken on the role of coach with Special Olympics Morocco tennis player Hajar Cherif Lamrani, guiding her with dedication and expertise.
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Empowering Global Youth: The Stevens Initiative and Special Olympics Partnership

Stevens Initiative and Special Olympics have joined forces to expand cross-cultural learning experiences for young people worldwide. Leveraging the Stevens Initiative's expertise in virtual exchange and Special Olympics' global network, this partnership aims to empower young leaders, with and without intellectual disabilities, to drive the inclusion movement in the digital age.
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Special Olympics welcomes Paraguay into the Global Leadership Coalition for Inclusion

Paraguay made history by becoming the inaugural South American nation to join the Special Olympics Global Leadership Coalition for Inclusion.
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Fostering Inclusion: Launch of Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools

The launch of the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools® (UCS) Project in South Africa marked a historic moment in the nation's journey towards fostering inclusivity and acceptance.
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Dedicated to Promoting Inclusion in Greece: Primary 24 School’s Story

As an educator and trainer, Nikoleta is dedicated to serving youth in her hometown of Patras, Greece. During the day, Nikoleta is a physical education teacher at Primary School 24, and after school, she’s a swim coach for Special Olympics Hellas.
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