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Health and Fitness
Health and Wellbeing: Project Fitness as a promoter of a healthy immune system
Christopher Steven
Latin America
Project Year
Christopher and Oscar are Special Olympics Youth Leaders from Paraguay who were inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for health and wellness to lead a Youth Innovation Project that promotes a healthy lifestyle for the Special Olympics Paraguay population.
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By having experts teach healthy habits both virtually and in-person, Christopher and Oscar hope to reduce risk factors for diseases and strengthen the immune systems of people with intellectual disabilities and their families or loved ones.

Christopher and Oscar will engage Special Olympics Paraguay in their project over a period of six months with the use of virtual and face-to-face challenges that help to form a healthy lifestyle and track metrics to make the changes measurable. They will even lead campaigns on social networks and host educational talks led by a nutritionist, a clinician, a psychologist and a coach, who will teach about implementing habits like good nutrition, adequate hydration and regular physical activity. By helping athletes to develop a healthy lifestyle with small changes over time, Christopher and Steven hope these become sustainable habits in the long-term. To Christopher and Steven, being part of the Unified Generation means creating a more inclusive society through teamwork, and this project is their contribution to that vision.