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Special Olympics Jordan Athlete Leader Abdullah’s Mission of Inclusion

Four men with arms around each other’s shoulders in football gear
Abdullah competing with his Unified Football team

Abdullah Al Nahas was born in December 2000, and he impacted many lives with his warmth and friendliness, leaving an extraordinary mark on all those around him. Growing up in his community, Abdullah quickly became known for his sociable nature and willingness to lend a helping hand to all who knew him.

At the age of 11, Abdullah's life took a transformative turn when he was introduced to Special Olympics Jordan through his grade school. Instantly captivated by the spirit of inclusivity and friendship, he immersed himself in Unified football, basketball and floorball. With dedication and passion, Abdullah developed his skills, competing in numerous events at the local, at the regional and international levels. His efforts were rewarded with a collection of medals, each one a testament to his perseverance and talent.

man guiding small child through sport obstacles
Abdullah training Special Olympics Jordan Young Athletes

Abdullah’s impact extended far beyond the sports field. As a member of his local Athlete Leadership Council, he embraced his role as a Health Messenger, spreading awareness of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. He also found joy in mentoring young athletes and empowering them to reach their full potential. He also has a role as an assistant coach in athletics, roller skating and football which allowed him to share his knowledge and passion of sport with others, further enriching his community.

Outside of the sport arena, Abdullah has also found fulfilment in his professional life. Five years ago, he embarked on a journey as a full-time employee at the prestigious The Ritz-Carlton hotel, where he worked diligently in the laundry department. His dedication and personality earned him the title of "The Loyalty Employee," solidifying his reputation as a responsible and respected member of the team.

Through his experiences with Special Olympics and his work at The Ritz-Carlton, Abdullah blossomed into a confident and self-reliant individual. His journey equipped him with invaluable skills, from public speaking to honed communication techniques, enabling him to navigate any situation with grace and ease.

man standing speaking to group of seated people around a table
Abdullah during a local Athlete Leadership Council meeting

As he reflected on his past achievements and looked towards the future, Abdullah remained persistent in his aspirations. "I like to play football and want to become a professional like Ronaldo," he mentioned with a smile. "But more than that, I aspire to be a voice for all athletes, spreading the message of inclusion and acceptance far and wide. With the support of my family, my community and organizations like Special Olympics, I know anything is possible.”

With unwavering determination and boundless optimism, Abdullah Al Nahhas embarked on the next chapter of his journey, ready to inspire and uplift all those who crossed his path. Abdullah has the soul and spirit of a true champion—the champion of inclusion.

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