Raymond Ervin is an athlete from Special Olympics Alabama in the North America Region. Raymond participates in basketball, volleyball, and bocce. He has been involved in Special Olympics since 1991.
Raymond’s favorite parts about Special Olympics are competing and meeting new people as well as learning about their culture.
Raymond is excited for the congress in Berlin. He is looking forward to the opportunity to represent Special Olympics North American and his state of Alabama. He is also excited to learn something from the German culture.
Raymond assists senior citizens with yard work and helps them out at the grocery store. When Raymond isn’t assisting senior citizens or competing, he enjoys running, walking, and listening to music. Raymond also volunteers with Meals on Wheels and at the Greyhound/Amtrak station.
Raymond says that being an athlete leader means being a role model, making decisions, and communicating properly.
Project Description
Raymond’s grant plan is to recruit and train 10 athlete leaders in the coach curriculum with the hope that at least 5 will complete the training and become coaches in Special Olympics Alabama. To do this the athletes will first take Introduction to Athlete Leadership and Understanding Athlete Leadership before they take the coaching course. The athletes will be trained by Special Olympics Alabama along with Raymond’s guidance. Raymond will talk with Special Olympics Alabama about their commitment level to engage athlete coaches.
Special Olympics North America 2023 Global Congress Participants
Global Athlete Congress
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