Dave has been directly involved in Swimming management and officiating since 1972, and directly with Disability Swimming for a little over 20 years, having been appointed as Referee to the INAS European Championships in Reading, UK in 2000. Dave have had a number of roles in British Swimming, Fina/LEN, DSISO, Special Olympics GB and SOI, IPC (WPS) and latterly INAS/Virtus. In 2017, he temporarily moved to South America, but returned to the UK permanently in mid 2020.
Dave has had many experiences over the past years including but not limited to:
- Technical Lead for National Summer Games 2009, 2013, 2017.
- National Adviser for Swimming and Open Water Swimming.
- Technical Lead for National Summer Games 2009, 2013, 2017. Referee 2001.
- Technical Lead for Annual National Partnership Event (Mencap, SOGB, DSISO, British Swimming) 2005 – 2017.
- Worked with SO International Working Group for Open Water Swimming, Referee for OW at World Summer Games 2015 (Los Angeles).
- From Spring 2022 working again with SOGB advising swimming event organizers.
World Games Berlin 2023 Technical Delegates
Jo Menten
Athletics Technical Delegate - Limburg, Belgium -
Walter Joren
Badminton Technical Delegate - Turnhout, Belgium -
Mark Wolfgram
Basketball 3x3 Technical Delegate - Wisconsin, USA -
Louise McSweeney
Basketball 5x5 Technical Delegate - Waterford, Ireland -
Fernando Oliveira
Beach Volleyball Technical Delegate - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
Debra Potenberg
Bocce Technical Delegate - Florida, USA -
Rebecca Norton
Bowling Technical Delegate - Ontario, Canada -
Koos Feiken
Cycling Technical Delegate - Lieveren, Netherlands -
Katharina Lex
Equestrian Technical Delegate - Speicher, Switzerland -
Nick Caudle
Football Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA -
Abdulrazzaq Alkabi
Futsal Technical Delegate - Dubai, UAE -
Alana-Marie Brahler
Golf Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA -
Deborah Pastorelli
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Gallarate, Italia -
George Krenk
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA -
Sofia Boura
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Athens, Greece -
Georgios Panayides
Handball Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus -
James Mulroy
Judo Technical Delegate - Tipperary, Ireland -
Róża Banasik-Zarańska
Kayaking Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Pomorskie, Poland -
Eleni Rossides
Motor Activities Training Program (MATP) Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus -
Dave Harman
Open Water Swimming Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Raalte, Netherlands -
Richard Frazier
Powerlifting Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA -
Mark van der Heijden
Sailing Technical Delegate - Rotterdam, Netherlands -
Shirley Milgate
Swimming Technical Delegate - New South Wales, Australia -
Roldan Rivera
Table Tennis Technical Delegate - Balboa, Panama -
Teresa Leitão
Tennis Technical Delegate - Jundiai, Brazil -
Pamela O’Donnell
Volleyball Technical Delegate - Dublin, Ireland -
Kristine Hughes
Special Olympics North America, Volleyball Assistant Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA