Henning currently lives in Bielefeld. He has three children and three grandchildren. Henning is a national judge in Inline-Speed Skating since 2008 and in Ballroom-Dancing for more than 30 Years. He is also a second chairman of the German Speed Skating association (DRIV) and responsible for organizing national events and constant updating the German rulebooks.
Henning’s first Special Olympics event was in 2010 as judge at the Special Olympics National Games. After this, he began organizing Roller Skating events in North Rhine-Westfalia. Henning has been Chief Judge at the Special Olympics National games since 2012 and judge at the SO World Games in 2015 and 2019. He has also been a Regional Coordinator for Roller Skating in North Rhine-Westfalia and member of the National Roller Skating sports team since 2014. Henning was appointed as the SOEE – Sport Advisor for Roller Skating in 2019.
World Games Berlin 2023 Technical Delegates
Jo Menten
Athletics Technical Delegate - Limburg, Belgium -
Walter Joren
Badminton Technical Delegate - Turnhout, Belgium -
Mark Wolfgram
Basketball 3x3 Technical Delegate - Wisconsin, USA -
Louise McSweeney
Basketball 5x5 Technical Delegate - Waterford, Ireland -
Fernando Oliveira
Beach Volleyball Technical Delegate - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
Debra Potenberg
Bocce Technical Delegate - Florida, USA -
Rebecca Norton
Bowling Technical Delegate - Ontario, Canada -
Koos Feiken
Cycling Technical Delegate - Lieveren, Netherlands -
Katharina Lex
Equestrian Technical Delegate - Speicher, Switzerland -
Nick Caudle
Football Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA -
Abdulrazzaq Alkabi
Futsal Technical Delegate - Dubai, UAE -
Alana-Marie Brahler
Golf Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA -
Deborah Pastorelli
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Gallarate, Italia -
George Krenk
Artistic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Michigan, USA -
Sofia Boura
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Delegate - Athens, Greece -
Georgios Panayides
Handball Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus -
James Mulroy
Judo Technical Delegate - Tipperary, Ireland -
Róża Banasik-Zarańska
Kayaking Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Pomorskie, Poland -
Eleni Rossides
Motor Activities Training Program (MATP) Technical Delegate - Nicosia, Cyprus -
Dave Harman
Open Water Swimming Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Raalte, Netherlands -
Richard Frazier
Powerlifting Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA -
Mark van der Heijden
Sailing Technical Delegate - Rotterdam, Netherlands -
Shirley Milgate
Swimming Technical Delegate - New South Wales, Australia -
Roldan Rivera
Table Tennis Technical Delegate - Balboa, Panama -
Teresa Leitão
Tennis Technical Delegate - Jundiai, Brazil -
Pamela O’Donnell
Volleyball Technical Delegate - Dublin, Ireland -
Kristine Hughes
Special Olympics North America, Volleyball Assistant Technical Delegate - North Carolina, USA