World Games Berlin 2023 Unified Sports Delegates

As Berlin, Germany gears up to host the next Special Olympics World Games in 2023, Special Olympics is pleased to announce the selection of the Unified Sports Delegates. The Unified Sports Delegate (USD) is appointed by Special Olympics as the key authority for overseeing the Unified Sports Competition Protocol and is responsible for ensuring that the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the World Games correctly interprets, implements and enforces Special Olympics Unified Sports Rules. The Unified Sports Delegate manages a group of volunteers and consults with the Sport Technical Delegate regarding penalties, disqualifications or suspensions due to observed violations of the Unified Sports "Principle of Meaningful Involvement." Click on the profiles below to learn more about the team.
Kris Cuppens
3x3 Basketball Unified Sports Delegate - Belgium
Sibi Vidyadharan Chandrabhanu
Badminton Unified Sport Delegate - United Arab Emirates
Valerie Geluykens
Basketball Unified Sport Delegate - Belgium
Joachim Joris
Basketball Assistant Unified Sport Delegate - Belgium
Adele Fioravera
Beach Volleyball Unified Sports Delegate - Italy
Danielle Kent
Bocce Unified Sports Delegate - Florida, USA
Hend Soliman
Bowling Unified Sports Delegate - Cairo, Egypt
Kristijan Kruk
Football Unified Sports Delegate – Tartu, Estonia
André Peeters
Football Unified Sports Delegate - Belgium
Daniyal Alvi
Futsal Unified Sports Delegate - Pakistan
Briana Haines
Golf Unified Sports Delegate - Missouri, USA
Mike Bovino
Handball Unified Sports Delegate - Pennsylvania, USA
Stephen Minshull
Indoor Volleyball Unified Sports Delegate - Arizona, USA
Róża Banasik-Zarańska
Kayaking Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Pomorskie, Poland
Dave Harman
Open Water Swimming Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Raalte, Netherlands
Pauli Saksa
Sailing Unified Sports Delegate - Finland
John Muringani
Table Tennis Unified Sports Delegate - Zimbabwe
Kata Orban-Sebestyen
Tennis Unified Sports Delegate - Hungary