Kristjan is from Tartu, Estonia. He is a 20-year old freshman studying at the University of Tartu. In his free time, he officiates football matches and is actively involved in a local Special Olympics community as a youth leader and a football coach. Kristjan has been associated with Special Olympics since 2015. During this time, Kristjan has volunteered in numerous Special Olympics sports camps, coached football teams and participated in many international tournaments.
World Games Berlin 2023 Unified Sports Delegates
Kris Cuppens
3x3 Basketball Unified Sports Delegate - Belgium -
Sibi Vidyadharan Chandrabhanu
Badminton Unified Sport Delegate - United Arab Emirates -
Valerie Geluykens
Basketball Unified Sport Delegate - Belgium -
Joachim Joris
Basketball Assistant Unified Sport Delegate - Belgium -
Adele Fioravera
Beach Volleyball Unified Sports Delegate - Italy -
Danielle Kent
Bocce Unified Sports Delegate - Florida, USA -
Hend Soliman
Bowling Unified Sports Delegate - Cairo, Egypt -
Kristijan Kruk
Football Unified Sports Delegate – Tartu, Estonia -
André Peeters
Football Unified Sports Delegate - Belgium -
Daniyal Alvi
Futsal Unified Sports Delegate - Pakistan -
Briana Haines
Golf Unified Sports Delegate - Missouri, USA -
Mike Bovino
Handball Unified Sports Delegate - Pennsylvania, USA -
Stephen Minshull
Indoor Volleyball Unified Sports Delegate - Arizona, USA -
Róża Banasik-Zarańska
Kayaking Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Pomorskie, Poland -
Dave Harman
Open Water Swimming Technical & Unified Sports Delegate - Raalte, Netherlands -
Pauli Saksa
Sailing Unified Sports Delegate - Finland -
John Muringani
Table Tennis Unified Sports Delegate - Zimbabwe -
Kata Orban-Sebestyen
Tennis Unified Sports Delegate - Hungary