Mildred is an 18-year-old from Mexico City, Mexico. She is currently studying to get a bachelor's in physical education.
Mildred began competing in Athletics and Swimming with Special Olympics Mexico in 2016. She is has competed in the Special Olympics Latin American Regional Games held in Panama in 2017, where she earned the title of Latin American Sub-Champion. In this Regional Games, Mildred earned a silver medal in the 200-meter flat Athletics test. She has also earned the title of National and State Champion in Athletics of Mexico City.
Mildred is an Athlete Leader for Special Olympics Mexico. She currently serves as president of the Athlete Input Council for Special Olympics Mexico. Mildred serves her community by being a spokesperson in different spaces, such as schools, companies, radio, television, events and webinars, talking about her life story, publicizing the inclusion movement and highlighting achievements of youth with intellectual disabilities.
To Mildred, being part of the Global Youth Leadership Council means having the opportunity to be the voice of fellow Athletes, to share experiences with Youth Leaders from other countries and to create collaborative projects that promote the integration and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
Mildred is a leader of the Unified Generation because she believes that young people are creators of change. She believes young people have a great mission and are the sole means of achieving widespread inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in all fields. Mildred believes that through sports and through raising awareness about intellectual disabilities, we can create an inclusive society where people with and without intellectual disabilities can work hand in hand.
Global Youth Leadership Council Class of 2022 – 2023
Simran Sahni
Special Olympics Asia Pacific -
Salihin Bin Nawi
Special Olympics Asia Pacific -
Godspower I. Udokang
Special Olympics Africa -
Isatou Sanyang
Special Olympics Africa -
Mara Oprea
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia -
Anca Oprea
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia -
Wei Hang Lai (Ray)
Special Olympics East Asia -
Wing Chun Yung (Kelvin)
Special Olympics East Asia -
Luka Brenk
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia -
Gian-Luca Castelberg
Special Olympics Europe Eurasia -
Daniela Luna García
Special Olympics Latin America -
Mildred Italia Benítez Sanabria
Special Olympics Latin America -
Rougina El Sayegh
Special Olympics Middle East/North Africa -
Tali Nasser El Husseini
Special Olympics Middle East/North Africa -
Sophie Hill
Special Olympics North America -
Joey Drwal
Special Olympics North America