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Daniel Fundora

Health Messenger

Daniel Fundora, the speaker behind the “Escape The Label” TEDxCoconutGrove speech, is a personal trainer in Florida who focuses on how to work with people with disabilities to achieve their health and fitness goals.

“Being labeled less than is unacceptable,” Daniel shares.

Losing 65 pounds through a healthy lifestyle made him passionate about health, which is clear through his commitment. He competes in flag football, basketball, softball, stand-up paddle boarding, golf, karate, soccer and bowling. And when he’s not competing, he might be found on Capitol Hill sharing the importance of work that Special Olympics has on the health of people with intellectual disabilities.

As a Health Messenger, Daniel educates athletes. He coaches and also teaches about the Fit 5 program, which includes a focus on fitness, nutrition and hydration.

One tip Daniel shares is: “Stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle. It is not only a fitness and nutrition investment but it includes your sleep and your emotions.”

Health Messengers


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